Thirsty Soul? Think of These

How peaceful it is to breath deep, eyes closed, exhaling with big and little remembrances of the breath-taking moments God has sent our way. The ones where we don’t have words, just awe. Maybe from decades ago, last year, or even today.

That stream for our thirsty souls can be found in just remembering how His warm, gentle arms of kindness squeezed us big in those moments. How we were reminded we were alive in those moments as they danced across our hearts.

If you have a few minutes to sit still smiling, I hope you’ll stop to scroll a highlight reel of pinnacle moments in your mind.

Here are some I’m smiling about as I scroll through mine:

    • Hugging my most beloved pastor, Brother Sam, for the last time before he moved away…he introduced me to Jesus
    • Seeing my husband’s face the moment each one of our babies were born
    • Getting dropped off at the Annual Deer Creek Arts and Crafts Fair when I was ten, parent free, $10 in hand
    • Watching the winning team tip their hats to my oldest son for his performance as he and his team received runner-up at State
    • Seeing my daughter perform her first dance solo on the big stage after she had worked SO HARD
    • Experiencing my youngest (and biggest) son’s warm, strong bear hug as we walked out the doors of our Wisconsin home for the last time
    • When an 80 year old man at my church walked forward to receive Jesus, because he didn’t want to waste one more day

    There are always more.

    Because God is so kind.

    What moments have taken your breath away or danced across your heart? Please share them in the comments below!