I’m excited to share with you a list of resources that I love – that have helped me grow in my endeavor to live like a true follower of Jesus, teaching me to see the world through the lens of Christianity and challenging me to live this out in my life.
- Pastor Chip Ingram – Living on the Edge, LivingontheEdge.org
- Pastor Tim Keller – marriage resources, timothykeller.com
- Pastor Joby Martin – Church of Eleven22, Deepen podcast, book If the Tomb Is Empty
- Pastor Chuck Swindoll – Insight for Living, Insight.org
- FamilyLife – FamilyLife Today podcast, marriage and parenting resources, familylife.com
- Weekend to Remember – a ministry of FamilyLife, nation-wide marriage retreat weekend, familylife.com/weekend-to-remember
- Mark Gregston – Parenting Today’s Teens, heartlightministries.org/parenting-todays-teens/
- Dr. James Dobson – Family Talk, drjamesdobson.org
- Focus on the Family – marriage and parenting resources at focusonthefamily.com
- The Daily Citizen – a ministry of Focus on the Family, a timely, relevant analysis of current events and cultural trends from a biblical worldview at dailycitizen.focusonthefamily.com
- Plugged In – a ministry of Focus on the Family, designed to inform families regarding current popular entertainment and media using reviews at pluggedin.com
- Brio Magazine – Christian publication for teen girls, a ministry of Focus on the Family
- Peter and Geri Scazzero – Emotionally Healthy Spirituality, The Emotionally Healthy Woman, emotionallyhealthy.org
- Financial Peace University – daveramsey.com
- Tim Tebow books – This Is The Day and Shaken, timtebow.com
- C.S. Lewis – Mere Christianity