We take those thoughts captive together with the aim of bringing them back around to Jesus, and far away from the places that trip you up…
Using Christ-centered Cognitive Behavioral Coaching and through the use of a variety of tools and techniques, I aim to help individuals develop a more accurate view of themselves and the world around them through adopting more productive thoughts and behaviors rooted in an identity with Christ.
Together, we will address current limiting beliefs and blocking factors (barriers) as we go through a number of relevant topics. CBC is goal-driven and focuses on achieving desired behavior change by first bringing to light our inaccurate or unproductive ways of thinking.
Once you schedule your package (minimum of 3 weekly or bi-weekly sessions) and send back your Intake Questionnaire, I will tailor your sessions just for you!
Areas of focus:
1) Anxiety/Depression and Other Life Challenges
2) Spiritual/Emotional Health (addressing the various issues you have going on related to this)
3) Understanding of Self and Others – Relational Health, Marriage, Family (again, addressing the various issues you have going on related to this)
4) Financial Health/Money Knowledge and Behaviors (and, again, addressing the various issues you have going on related to this)
For coaching fees and services, click HERE.